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The Kitchen

1. The Dreaded Drawers

Remove all the items from any drawers and cupboards and wipe them out thoroughly with an eco-friendly solution of the juice of three lemons, three teaspoons of bicarbonate soda, one drop of dishwashing detergent and a drop of oil such as eucalyptus or lavender. Mix it all together and add to one litre of water. Discard any broken and send good unused items and to charity or on a marketplace.

2. Oven Makeover

No need for a Hazmat suit, try using bicarb mixed with vinegar.  Sprinkle bicarb over the area and then spray the vinegar and watch it fizz spread the paste all over the walls, top and bottom of a cold oven and leave overnight. (the best tip I have been given is to cover the solution with glad wrap). The next day, wipe with a cloth and hot water and finish with a final wipe using paper towels.

3. Expiry Dates – YOU WILL BE AMAZED!!

Throw out anything that is past its used by dates. Who hasn’t been amazed at how quickly time goes? Give the shelves a wipe-over (good practice for rental properties is to lay a protective sheet down). Position the ones that are due to expire soonest at the front of the cupboard as well arranging products in height order so you don’t leave a tin of spaghetti to live for years at the back of the cupboard.

TIP- To create a non-toxic all-purpose cleaner that will wipe countertops clean and make the kitchen smell amazing, fill an empty spray bottle half full with lemon peels. Then mix in equal parts vinegar and water, and let the mixture sit for about two weeks. This will allow the citrus to infuse the solution. After two weeks, simply strain the peels and pour the cleaning solution back into the spray bottle. It’ll help wipe away grease and grime.

The Bathroom


Empty all the items from draws and shelves in the vanity and cabinets. Carefully discard any expired medications and cosmetics. Throw away products that have been hanging around for years – like old eye mascara or the half-empty shampoo bottle. Wipe the inside and outside of the vanity and cabinets (good practice for rental properties is to lay a protective sheet down on shelves)

5. Toilet Detox

Put on some gloves and thoroughly scrub the toilet inside and out using one cup of vinegar mixed with a quarter of a cup of bicarb soda. Don’t forget to remove seat and clean around seat bolts. Wipe with a clean cloth soaked in warm water and eucalyptus.

The Bedroom

6. Cull your closet – DOES IT SPARK JOY!

Vacuum and wash the cupboard floor, or for carpeted areas sprinkle baking powder over the area, leave for two to three hours then vacuum well. Put everything back into organised categories and donate items you no longer need to charity.  If you can’t bare to say goodbye to items, call in the experts.

7. Windows and Skirting Board Shuffle

Wash curtains according to the fabric or clean blinds with a damp cloth. Vacuum the window sills inside and out then clean the windows with a solution of two teaspoons of white vinegar mixed with one litre of water in a spray bottle. Sparkle up the glass using a clean cotton cloth when the sun is not shining directly on the windows.

Give the skirting boards a good clean with a cup of white vinegar and lukewarm water. Take a sponge to rub the solution on the skirting boards, and wipe down with a dry cloth.

Living Room

8. Dust decor

Dust pictures and photo frames then clean the glass as well as any mirrors that are hanging. Most marks on painted walls should come off with some bicarb on a damp sponge gently rubbed over the spot. Any mould on walls, dilute oil of cloves in water and wipe down.

9. Door handles, Door Frames and Light Switches

Wipe away any sticky residue or just general grime on door frames, knobs and light switches with 15 drops of tea tree or eucalyptus oil with two cups of water. Spray onto areas that need cleaning and wipe off with a soft, dry cloth. For stubborn stains, some bicarb on a damp sponge gently rubbed over the area.

Home Office

11. Keyboard clean

Turn off your computer or unplug the keyboard before cleaning so you don’t unintentionally press any keys. Rather than just turning the keyboard upside down and shaking the crumbs out, buy a can of compressed air from the hardware store.  Attach the nozzle and aim the air in between the keys, blowing away any debris that has gathered.

12. Desk declutter

Empty contents of all the drawers in your desk and clean with an all-purpose cleaner like the Lemon Peel spray (Tip -recipe above) Shred any old documents, Organise your desktop with current projects you are working on at one time and file the rest.

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